Manage and organise projects
Centralise and manage everything you need to manage site works seamlessly in just one app – contractors, work packages, meetings, schedules and more. Access everything, from anywhere, at any time.

Manage all parties
From project owners and general contractors to companies and tradespeople. Add people to your projects, assign remarks to them, keep track of their attendance and send them reports.
Quickly filter remarks by person
Customize reports for different parties
Import iPhone or vCard contacts
Call or write to people straight from the app

Split into work packages and sub-work packages
Structure your projects into work packages and sub-work packages and assign them to one or more parties. Get an at-a-glance view of progress and remarks to see where woodworks, plumbing or frontage are up to.
Quickly filter remarks for each person
Exclude certain work packages from some of your reports

Manage attendance
Mark whether each participant is present, absent or excused and whether they have been asked to attend the next meeting. Ensuring that all parties are reliable is key to running an efficient construction site.
Include the attendance sheet in your reports

Meeting participants can sign the tablet to record their attendance and include their signatures in the final report, ensuring that your paperwork is in order.

View all work packages and sub-work packages with their start and end dates and rate of progress. Pick up on any delays quickly so that you can communicate with clients and companies and stay on schedule.

Save 60 minutes for every site inspection report
Try Archireport for free for 30 days or watch an online demo by one of our experts